Learn Japanese Cut of Pork & Offal

If you’re navigating Japanese grocery stores or menus, knowing the vocabulary for cuts of pork can be incredibly helpful. In this guide, we break down common terms in Japanese for both standard pork cuts and pork offal. Whether you’re cooking at home or dining out, understanding these terms can enhance your experience and help you make the best choices. Let’s find out with Asiamart.

Popular Cut of Pork in Japanese

English Japanese Romaji
Pork 豚肉 butaniku
Pork Shoulder 豚ウデ buta ude
Pork Thigh Meat 豚コニク buta koniku
Pork Sagari 豚サガリ buta sagari
Pork Spare Ribs 豚スぺアリプ buta supea-ribu
Pork Shank 豚チマキ buta chimaki
Pork Tsurami 豚ツラミ buta tsurami
Pork Tail 豚テール buta te-ru
Pork Belly 豚バラ buta bara
Pork Harami 豚ハラミ buta harami
Pork Fillet 豚ヒレ肉 buta hire niku
Pork Cheek 豚ホホ肉 buta hoho niku
Pork Thigh 豚もも肉 buta momo niku
Pork Loin 豚ロース buta ro-su
Pork Carcass 豚枝肉 buta eda niku
Pork Skin 豚皮 buta kawa
Pork Ear 豚耳 buta mimi
Pork Shoulder Loin 豚肩ロース buta kata ro-su
Pork Trotters 豚足 buta ashi
Pork Cartilage 豚軟骨 buta nankotsu
Pork Head 豚頭 buta atama
Pork Head Meat 豚頭肉 buta atama niku

Common Pork Offal in Japanese

English Japanese Romaji
Pork Kidney 豚マメ buta mame
Pork Throat 豚喉ガリ buta nodo gari
Pork Stomach 豚胃袋 buta ibukuro
Pork Liver 豚レバー buta reba-
Pork Rectum (Teppo) 豚直腸 テッポー buta chokuchou teppo
Pork Large Intestine 豚大腸 buta daichou
Pork Small Intestine 豚小腸 buta shouchou
Pork Tongue 豚タン buta tan
Pork Fat 豚脂 buta abura
Pork Brain 豚脳みそ buta nou miso
Pork Heart 豚心臓 buta shinzou
Pork Uterus 豚コブクロ buta kobukuro
Pork trotter Bone 豚地骨(丸) buta chikotsu (maru)
Pork Backbone (Flat) 豚背骨(平) buta sebone (hira)
Pork Skull Bone 豚頭骨(ズコツ) buta zukotsu

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