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Chicken and duck are among the most popular poultry meats in the world. This is not only an easy-to-find, easy-to-buy, and easy-to-cook meat, but chicken also offers many great health benefits. Today, the demand for chicken is increasing, so many famous food brands have constantly brought to consumers a variety of fresh, high-quality chicken meat, raised and carefully selected.

Types of chicken and how to distinguish

Each part of the chicken is suitable for processing many different dishes based on their unique characteristics. Most people use chicken parts like:
  • Chicken thigh: is the meat adjacent to the chicken leg, has lean meat and skin, allowing users to cook many dishes without drying.
  • Chicken thighs: are lean meat, have enough toughness, don't have many bones, meat is lean, have skin without being sick, moreover, the relatively high nutritional value of the product is the reason why chicken thighs become a familiar product in every meal of Asian people.
  • Chicken feet: is the part that contains a lot of skin and cartilage, is an indispensable ingredient for snacks because of its crunchy texture.
  • Chicken wings: are less lean meat, surrounded by skin, the ratio of skin and meat is harmonious, helping the dish not to dry out when processed, so chicken wings are suitable for fried and grilled dishes because the meat is small. atrophy, not dry
  • Chicken breast: is the white part of chicken located in front and around the breast of the chicken, usually with a lot of meat, little skin and little fat. This is a suitable portion of meat for people with special diets.

How to properly store chicken?

Chicken needs to be washed, drained, then put in an airtight container or covered with 2-3 layers of cling film and then put in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. In addition, you can also bring the chicken that has been washed, drained, then marinated with salt and spices and then covered with a table cage or covered objects to avoid dust and insects.

Some delicious dishes from chicken

Chicken can easily prepare a lot of delicious dishes, quickly, easily, and at an affordable price, suitable for every home. Here are some quick and delicious chicken dishes that anyone can make at home:
  • チッキン南蛮 - Chicken Nanban
  • 唐揚げ - Fried Chicken
  • とり天 - Chicken tenpura

Where to buy clean chicken with good price?

Chicken is not a rare food, so you can easily buy it anywhere. However, there are now many cases of spoiled, smelly chicken that is soaked in chemicals or imported of unknown origin, sold widely in the market, causing harm to health. Therefore, to get fresh, chemical-free chicken pieces, you can buy them at stores, supermarkets or order online quickly at Asiamart

Asia Mart - Cheap meat in Japan



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